We have to admit, we’re big fans of teenagers. They bring such passion and energy to everything they do! We have a great group of teens at Nampa First. Not only do they love being together, they play a vital role across our whole campus. They serve awesome coffee, volunteer in countless ministries, and bless us with their many talents and abilities.

Your First Visit

There is no formal process to join our youth group. Any and all are welcome to join by simply attending one of our weekly gatherings or special events. Our pastors, volunteers, and other students will make your teen feel right at home.

On a typical youth group Wednesday, students gather at 6:30pm in the Youth Center, which is downstairs in the gym building. They can expect times of music, prayer, fun, teaching from the youth pastor or another leader, and conversations in small groups where they can ask questions and grow in their knowledge of God and His Word.

Middle School

Our Middle School program encompasses 7th-8th grades. While we are commonly together as a whole youth group, we also have specific times where the Middle Schoolers can be together as a group.

We love to let our hair down and have fun! But don’t make the mistake that so many do and think this age group is only about a good time. Middle School is a crucial season of growth and learning about God and his plan for each of our young people’s lives. It’s an important time of discovering how God has made each of us and what he might be calling us to.

The Middle School group gathers at 9:30am in the Sanctuary for the Worship service and afterward at 11am we meet in the Youth Center for our Grow Hour.

High School

Our High School program includes 9th-12th grades. We hang out with the Middle School sometimes, but also have our own events, classes, and weekly gatherings.

A typical High School student at Nampa First has every opportunity to develop and use the God-given talents, abilities, and passions he or she possesses. We love seeing our students serving all over the church and take the time when we gather to make sure they are fully equipped to be the best leader they can be. We also love to rock out at concerts, play wild and messy games, campout with other churches, and praise God with everything inside us.

We gather at 9:30am to worship in the Sanctuary and then afterwards at 11am head over to our Youth Center to take part in our Grow Hour. 

Upcoming Youth Events

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